Self improvement quest 2023

Yes, I am very determined to change my life and wrote down a lot of habit and time trackers that should help me be extra aware of my own actions and stay present. 10/1/2023 I’ll be 34 on October 10th, I’ve had a great year so far. I journaled so much to try and gain some clarity and ground myself after being depressed and burnt out and discouraged for a very long time. The clarity I gained is that what truly brings me purpose and happiness is to work on my comic dear skin. To celebrate I have uploaded the first chapter all at once for free which you can read now under the dear skin comic section on my website. I will continue to update it as a free webcomic here every Tuesday and Friday at 5pm (California USA time zone). I’m tired of hoarding these pages I have been working on and I’m finally ready to share them. Another good idea I had was to ask people for positive stories about their lives and do real time drawing videos as kind of asmr or to relax on YouTube, I think that would be a nice contrast to all the scary and dark stories. My goal is to continue sketching and painting dear skin as much as I can til it’s done! I’m also doing inktober this month, two paintings every day, and I’ll be posting them for sale in my shop to try and save up money for tattoo equipment.


Wednesday November 8 2023


Monday September 11 2023