Monday September 11 2023

So, I’m going to get back into blogging on my website! The last time I wrote a blog post was when I started my website in 2021! Sooo much has changed in my life since then. I moved all the way across the country to Arcata California and have been living here for a few years. After some hardship I finally found a great roommate and apartment in a very beautiful area and have some great friends. I have been struggling to make money off my art recently, I have been burnt out for a while- but reading my last blog post was really eye opening for me especially the part about my comic dear skin! I am now halfway thru chapter 9 of 11ish chapters of dear skin! It’s been over a month since I worked on it and I really want to push thru and sketch the final pages this year. I just started fiverr today in hopes of getting more commissions online, I want to try out artistree and upwork as well. I posted a ton of my originals to my website shop all day yesterday as well. I want to start posting dear skin online as a webcomic-there’s no use trying to gatekeep it forever until it’s done lol! I feel like a dragon hoarding treasure uselessly- over 6 chapters fully done and nobody to read them. I don’t have enough money right now to self publish print more books anyway I might as well start sharing for free to get my motivation up to work on the rest. It’s finishing the story that’s important to me. I am trying really hard to make big changes in my life recently. I have a gym membership, I’m trying to go there more and more, and I quit coffee which is a big deal for me, and I’m cooking at home simple veggies and meat dishes and smoothies. I have been trying to write in my journal and stay present instead of scrolling or watching YouTube mindlessly, pretty solidly for a week now (I wrote so much haha) I think I’m in a good place, I just need to keep this motivation up to always be trying new things boldly with my art. I know I can put myself out there more. I have some ideas for little comics series as well, and I want to write my thoughts on this blog more often. I want to draw and linocut print on clothing too. Being able to look back at my feelings over time will be useful, I think. I’m really grateful for everyone who has ever supported my art. Picture was taken at a coffee shop yesterday, I was enjoying sitting in the sun and posting my art to my web shop, sipping on a peanut butter smoothie :)


Self improvement quest 2023

